Protein determination and nitrogen and in dairy products

KJELMASTER K-449,KJELMASTER K-375与Kjelsampler K-376:通过用Kjeldahl片剂和过氧化氢的消化,根据KJELDAHL方法加速氮和蛋白质测定,然后用kjeldahl方法和过氧化氢。显着的滴定
Protein determination and nitrogen and in dairy products
The determination of protein in food is a routine procedure for quality assurance and labelling. A simple and fast procedure for protein determination in dairy products, according to ISO 8968-3 and AOAC 991.20 is introduced below. The sample is digested with sulfuric acid, the Kjeldahl Tablet Titanium and hydrogen peroxide using the KjelDigester K-449 – followed by distillation and titration with the KjelMaster system K-375 / K-376. The determined protein contents correspond to the labelled values.

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